A to Z Photography Challenge: D
Note: This post was originally part of a personal A-Z photography challenge I gave myself on my previous blog. I’m excited to bring it over to my new site and share it with you again. Enjoy the creativity and inspiration!
You can see the previous letter here.
This is my A to Z Photography Challenge to myself. Taking a photograph of something everyday, for 26 days, that starts with a letter of the alphabet. I was thinking of tackling the 365 Day Challenge, but am not quite sure I can/want to commit to that just yet.
This is the start of my learning photography. Some of my letter ideas are a little embarrassing, like I could have done better. Keep in mind, I didn't start out with a plan for each letter. I did it on the fly so that it would be harder for me. I even drove around to find some ideas.
I think that my creativity level is starting to pick up here. I lit my sons drum underneath to get that glow.

For fun, I photographed another D - drip:

Another thing that starts with D - Dreams. Every time I have a project, be it an upcoming photo session, editing, or this project - I dream. I dream of taking pictures. And the dreams are on a repeating reel. The other night my dream was about me taking a self-portrait (maybe that was supposed to be my letter C), and I took continuous pictures of myself as I looked from the side and slowly turned my head to the front. Each fraction of a movement my head made was a shot. Strange. I know. Bottom line? I'll get a good night sleep in 22 days!
D - Drum, Drum Sticks, Drip