A to Z Photography Challenge: B
Note: This post was originally part of a personal A-Z photography challenge I gave myself on my previous blog. I’m excited to bring it over to my new site and share it with you again. Enjoy the creativity and inspiration that I really aimed to do!
Here you'll find the letter A in the previous post.
This is my A to Z Photography Challenge to myself. Taking a photograph of something everyday, for 26 days, that starts with a letter of the alphabet. I was thinking of tackling the 365 Day Challenge, but am not quite sure I can/want to commit to that just yet.
This was near the very start of my learning photography. Some of my letter ideas are a little embarrassing, like I could have done better. Keep in mind, I didn't start out with a plan for each letter. I did it on the fly so that it would be harder for me. I even drove around to find some ideas.
I hadn't thought about my challenge today until I was in the shower. Then - WOW! What luck! Today was the letter B and my mom and I were heading to Bok Tower Gardens! Only 24 more days. Will I remember each day?

B - Bok Tower